The Hidden Life of Acrylic Embedment
Our industry is most commonly associated with big business, pollution, and waste. It’s an undeniable fact. However, in this new marketing feature, we hope to bring a more tangible angle of the chemical industry. Few people make the connection that products from our industry give beauty and innovation to the world we live in. Without the support of our industry, smaller sectors of our business such as art supplies, cosmetic products, and even food would not exist. With that in mind, Pioneer hopes to bring to light more helpful positive applications that focus on aesthetics, creativity, and community philanthropy.
The first issue of this publication focuses on a unique artistic application: Acrylic embedment and sculpture. Custom Acrylic Embedments are often associated with the awards industry. If you’ve received an award that looks like to the left, the resin used in that product is similar to the solid acrylic resin that we produce and distribute worldwide.
Aside from awards, artists have been giving this medium a go with new and innovative ways of producing unique pieces, like those of Damien Hirst, where theyseemingly captures a moment in time. Looking at them, you can’t help but wonder the whole backstory of the subject: where did it live, where was it going, how did it end up here.
We spoke with Darryl Marcovitch of Arcylic Concepts who is intimately familiar with the entire custom acrylic embedment process and has spent years perfecting his process. He describes his process of making a very difficult sculpture of Michael Jackson, “It’s made with a massive single pour casting using the highest grade of Lucite acrylic and measure about 27″ (68.6cm) high and weighs just under 50 pounds (27.7kg).” You be the judge, did he get the likeness?
Acrylic was first developed in 1928 in several different laboratories by many chemists, such as William Chalmers, Otto Röhm, and Walter Bauer, and was first brought to market in 1933 by the Rohm and Haas Company under the trademark Plexiglas. It was crystal clear with a 93% transparency rate, resistant to water and UV rays, and was low density yet stronger than previous plastics. It quickly became the material of choice for WWII aircraft windows and bubble-tops because of its clarity, weight savings, and bullet resistance. Shortly after WWII other uses for Lucite were found such as embedments. It has remained one of the best kept manufacturing secrets, handed down through trusted associates.
Please view Issue #1 of our new E-book by CLICKING HERE.